Refund Policy


revised Feb 2025

San Gabriel Valley CAMFT CE Provider # 60957


Registration is not complete until full payment has been received. Full payment of the registration guarantees you a seat/place at the event. Partial payment, or incomplete payment does not guarantee you a seat/place unless it is paid for in full within 24 hours in advance of the scheduled event.


One week or more prior to the event:              100% refund

Less than one week prior to the event:           50% refund

Day of event or no-show:                                0% refund

*if you have a medical, personal, family emergency, or other extenuating circumstances that prevent you from attending, and you have already registered (partially or fully), you may either request a refund, or apply your payment/deposit toward the next event. Additionally, you may convert your attendance fee into a donation to SGV CAMFT.

You may initiate your cancellation request, or make a refund or credit request, by sending an email to the SGV CAMFT CE Programs Administrator: Kathryn Bikle at or  

You will receive your credit or refund within fourteen business days upon approval of your request.

Note that circumstances beyond the control of the event organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations, or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. Therefore, SGV CAMFT reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speaker and/or topics if necessary. Any changes will be updated on the SGV CAMFT website ( ), and reasonable effort will be made to notify you via email of any changes so that you may have the option to cancel or transfer your registration fee.

Grievance Policy

1. We strive to be responsible, ethical, and professional in our programs and services. In the unforeseen event that a client or participant finds we have not met these goals, a complaint may be submitted to address this event. This may be done on program evaluations, by contacting the Programs Administrator, or through contacting the SGVCAMFT Board of Directors. Complaints will be addressed within 7-10 business days with a response, action or a plan of action.

2. If the grievance is more severe and action from the Board of Directors is indicated by either the client/ participant, or from recommendation of a board member or staff member, a formal written grievance may be submitted to the Board of Directors of San Gabriel Valley CMFT and mailed to 211 S. Primrose Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016. This grievance will be reviewed by an impartial, ad hoc grievance committee who will investigate the complaint and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board will then make decisions addressing the complaint. All records of the meetings, recommendations and decisions regarding the grievance shall be kept on file with the Secretary of SGV CAMFT for a minimum of 5 years.

Special Needs and Accessibility Policy

We make every effort to make sure that facilities and programs are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have a special need and plan to attend the workshop or event, please contact Kathryn Bikle, Programs Administrator, SGV CAMFT at or, (626) 755-6437. We will make every attempt to reasonably accommodate requests made. Please allow as much advance notice as is possible to ensure we have ample opportunity to meet your needs.

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