Sponsor Information Sheet

A Sponsor for our Meetings/Workshops must provide a service or product that would benefit our members and / or our member’s clients, such as:

For Members:

  • Business Service Providers (billing, accounting/bookkeeping, credit card services, etc.).
  • Providers of therapy materials such books, puppets, etc.
  • Malpractice Attorneys
  • Insurance Agencies, such business liability, disability, life, etc.

For Member’s Clients:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologist who provide testing and assessment
  • Residential Agencies
  • Non-Residential Agencies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Family Law Attorneys, Collaborative Law
  • Other Therapists
  • Life Coaches

Benefits of Sponsorship:

  • Your company name and logo on our marketing materials.
  • E-mail announcements and E-newsletter that reach approximately 1500 therapists.
  • Presentation Table at our meeting.
  • A 3-minute announcement at the meeting to describe your service or product.
  • A follow-up article in our e-newsletter

How Your Sponsorship Benefits SGV-CAMFT:

Your sponsorship provides our organization with opportunities to expand our community outreach, provide professional resources for our members, and additional resources to help and support to our pre-licensed 3000 members on their road toward licensure.

What We Need From You

We need a logo, or company photograph, a 3-5 sentence description of your services and a website link at least a month in advance of the date of the event you will be sponsoring.

For questions or additional information, please contact:

Kathryn Bikle president@sgvcamft.org

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