In collaboration with the
Glendale Area Mental Health Professional Association
we are delighted to offer:
God Looked Away
featuring Al Pacino and Judith Light at the Pasadena Playhouse
Special Event Pricing for SGV-CAMFT Members and Guests!
Thursday March 2, 8:00 p.m and Sunday March 5, 2 p.m.
To paraphrase a famous saying, "not by bread alone," we invite you to an evening of creativity and play, a very special play with Al Pacino and Judith Light entitled, "God Looked Away." Written by the lover of Tennessee Williams, it depicts the contrast between his public face as a legendary playwright and his shadow persona: the influence of drugs and alcohol in the latter part of his life and his difficulty with people's expectations. The play celebrates a great artist trapped in his ego.
Discounted Tickets Just $59 / $69!
For the performances of Thursday March 2 and Sunday March 5, GAMHPA has arranged special pricing: $59 for the Thursday evening performance and $69 for the Sunday matinee performance. That's a huge savings; full price ticket are $196 and $206, respectively. Our colleagues at GAMPHA have kindly extended this offer to members and guests of SGV-CAMFT.
Click Here to Register Online at GAMHPA