Description (2950 characters max)
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#44180), Licensed Psychiatric Technician (PT25861), and Masters level Addictions Counselor (#5442). Since 1984, I’ve provided adult and adolescent mental health services for inpatient and outpatient settings. As such, I have a varied experience with depression, grief/loss, issues of personal growth, relationships, anxiety, stress, abuse, trauma, and mental illness. I have also worked extensively with addictions of all types, and related issues (“codependency”, eating disorders, alcoholism, dual diagnosis).
My responsibilities have ranged from Licensed Psychiatric Technician (where much of my experience in mental health and medications comes from), to direct care counselor and therapist, Quality Director, Program Director, and Assistant Administrator. Currently I’m in private practice, teaching, providing clinical supervision to pre-licensed therapists, offering public speaking/community education, providing staff training and consultation.