Mentor-Mentee Program

Program Description

Thank you for your interest in the SGV-CAMFT Mentor Mentee (M-M) program. This program has been designed to match pre-licensed or licensed therapists (mentees) looking for guidance and support with licensed therapists willing to share expertise and experiences (mentors) around six content areas. The M-M program is not clinical supervision but instead an opportunity to partner new therapists with experienced practitioners to share and improve in the therapist’s development.

How does the program work?

Members of SGV-CAMFT are eligible to sign up for the program although only licensed therapists are qualified to serve as mentors. To enroll in the SGV-CAMFT Mentor-Mentee program you will need to:

  1. To view the various Mentor-Mentee documents, including an application to join the program, click here.
  2. Identify content areas that you would like to receive or provide mentoring. Mentoring content areas include:
    • Development of a professional identity and goals
    • Private practice development
    • Agency, nonprofit and vocational therapeutic development
    • Building rapport and safe space in the therapy room
    • Development and implementation of self-care
    • Advancing the MFT profession
  3. Email your profile and topics for mentoring to the program coordinator.
  4. Contact, interview and select a mentor from a list of mentors emailed to you.
  5. Meet with your mentor or mentee to sign the M-M agreement, track your meetings, and complete the program evaluation at the end of your time together.
Next Steps. . .
You must be a member of the SGV-CAMFT to participate in the M-M Program. Log onto the SGV-CAMFT website to complete your member profile and email your request to the program coordinator! You are welcome to contact the program coordinator, Kathryn Bikle, MA, MFT, SEP at with any questions.

To view the various documents that have been developed and posted
on the SGV-CAMFT website including an application to join the program,


Happy Mentoring!


San Gabriel Valley Chapter
of the California Association
of Marriage and Family Therapists

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